10 reasons you WILL fail in your language learning.
Take a look at this list of 10 reasons people don't succeed in their language learning. Do any of them seem familiar to you ? You want to speak and make full sentences immediately. The problem: impatience, you want to run before you can walk. The solution: Your need...
Is Distance Learning wasting your time?
Since Covid hit our lives back in 2020 we have all become familiar with using technology to communicate, and in the workplace we don’t think twice now about connecting with colleagues via our computers or phones. But how has this change affected English Language...
How language learning can make you a better team member
If you’re feeling frustrated with your language learning, take a couple of minutes to read this. Learning a language isn’t just going to help you to travel or watch original movies without subtitles, it can also help you significantly in your work goals. You Improve...
I don’t like my accent !
I don’t like my accent ! Many learners who are proficient in English grammar and have a wide vocabulary often feel intimated by their “terrible accent” and so feel nervous when they have to speak. Why is it that fear of sounding non-native reduces our confidence in...
Language Learning: an emotional roller coaster?
Language learning: an emotional roller coaster? Ups and downs… maybe more Downs than Ups? Does this sum up your language learning journey? If so, well, take heart, you are not alone! We all know the Ups; the boost you get when you get it right, when you have that...
Are SMART objectives applicable to language learning?
SMART Goal Setting For Language Learning We see SMART goal setting everywhere, but we have to ask ourselves are they really applicable to something so difficult to measure as language proficiency? We all...
Is Google making us stupid?
This text is a summary of the famous article published by Nichols Carr in The Atlantic in 2008. "Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave?” So the supercomputer HAL pleads with the astronaut Dave Bowman in a famous scene toward the end of Stanley...
Can mice help us to learn language?
2 researchers believe that the brains of mice can help humans learn a new language more efficiently. Linguistics professor Melissa Baese-Berk and neurobiologist Santiago Jaramillo are teaming up on a new research project that will combine their two areas of expertise...
12 home-based activities to improve your writing
12 home-based activities to improve your writing As adults, many of us are learning English on our own, especially in these times of Covid 19. How can we continue to improve our language skills in a situation like this? Take a look at this step by step 12 point guide....